Office365 OneNote is a mini workshop that covered about Microsoft OneNote, one of the Office applications that has function like paper records where the users can write, draw, insert objects, write, featuring screenshots, leave comments, and share them with other colleagues. OneNote integrates with Microsoft Office and the user can write anything and anywhere, synchronized with OneDrive, and easy to collaborate and share notes.

This mini workshop was conducted at the Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta that held on January 18, 2017. This event was attended by 46 participants who are students from UTY. This event was organized by the Certification and Education Division of Microsoft Innovation Center in collaboration with the Students Association in UTY. The speakers is Randi Eka Yonida who is also Manager of Certification and Education Division at Microsoft Innovation Center and Ridi Ferdiana as person in charged in this event.

In this event, the speaker introduced about OneNote and understand how OneNote can facilitate the learning process in the classroom. Further exploration continued with the existing features in OneNote. Here the participants were given the knowledge of a wide range of features available in OneNote as integrase with Microsoft office, synchronization with OneDrive, drawing and collaboration. The speaker also described how to use OneNote for the management of academic work and research notes for students.

The output of this mini workshop are the participants be able to understand OneNote as a learning tool in the classroom. The participants are also able to understand a wide range of features available in OneNote as integrase with Microsoft office, synchronization with OneDrive, drawing, and collaboration. In addition, participants were also able to maximize the use OneNote as one of the Office applications that can facilitate in managing academic research notes and documents.