PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya is one of the government institutions that have a responsibility to educate the educator and education staff in Indonesia in the field of art and culture. Every year this institution held some workshops for educators and education staff, and after the event, the participant of their workshop has to do some tasks as a form of follow-up training. To improve their training program, PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya held an event to support the monitoring process of the training, namely “Monitoring the Progress of Teacher Training in Indonesia Using Microsoft Teams” for their staff.

This event was held in the third quarter (Q3) from 21 January 2020 to 22 January 2020 followed by 38 participants on the first day, and the second followed by 37 participants with a background as a government official. This event was held at Ruang Sidang Kantor Pusat PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya and led by MIC Trainer as a Microsoft Certified Educator. The Speaker was sharing about how to monitor the progress of teacher training using Microsoft Teams as a digital hub that can facilitate the organization to do some various activities, such as monitoring training. Participants were explained how to create and manage a team, adding the member, communication to monitor the participant of the training, giving task effectively using Teams, video conferencing using Meetings feature, etc. Participants were given various insights on how to optimize Microsoft Teams that can be used to support their activity.

Based on the feedback form that has been shared after the event, participants were given various responses. Whereas many as 54% are interested in implementing Microsoft Teams technology to support their activities, and the remaining 46% are hesitant to apply, based on various reasons, such as regulation, the age that requires more time to learn, not familiar with applications, and so on. Hopefully, although not 100% sure to implement this technology, the part of participants of this event can start to transform their organization by using Microsoft Teams for supporting their activity and can influence their colleagues.