Education in the 21st century is needed to think and innovate, because it has been supported by today's technology is quite qualified, to be born a generation that is able to innovate required educators who are able to transform education as an initiator of educational progress. Microsoft Innovation Center held a mini workshop "Digital Transformation for Education" followed by teachers throughout the city of Yogyakarta from various levels.

In the mini-workshop "Digital Transformation for Education" held on August 30, 2017 at the Digital Library Faculty of Engineering-UGM followed by participants who have backgrounds as educators with various education levels spread across the city of Yogyakarta, and adhered to by 2 speakers, the first speaker is Mr. Ridi Ferdiana as Principal Research Lead of Microsoft Innovation Center Yogyakarta and Mr. Arya Adhitya as Learning Development Trainer of Microsoft Innovation Center Yogyakarta.

In the mini workshop “digital transformation for education” it discusses the digital transformation for teachers to become an initiator for their students, so that in the future it is expected to be born quality students with various backgrounds that understand the technology. In the workshop Mr. Ridi gave examples of technologies that can be used to support teaching processes, such as LexiPal which is a software aimed at helping dyslexic children in terms of how to read and write, is an educational blog that shares about simple things in the world of technology that can be applied in education, Mr. Ridi also presented products or services owned by Microsoft Innovation Center that can support digital transformation process in education, such as webinar, digital transformation mini workshop, innovative workshop program, premium training (Microsoft Certified Educator and Microsoft Imagine Academy). Later on, Mr. Arya's session focuses on hands lab which invites workshop participants to practice follow self development program through Microsoft Educator Community, the participants are very enthusiastic to do the self-development practice, this is evidenced by the participants who attended courses in the Microsoft Educator Community as much as 17 times so get 4 badges.